This little gem from the times.,,275124,00.jpg
[click link if the pic is too small]
Hey - did anyone see that rerun of hart 2 hart last night?
Oh, wait, that was hoof 2 huth... and it was moider!
This is a football (soccer) blog - here we post anything that will interest us in the world of the beautiful game - be it the Premiership, MLS, the World Cup
Fricking hilarious!! He is such a cheat, not that others arent, but he is one of the very worst.
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 2:00 PM
Drogba's roll to the ground is almost as impressive as the French Army in 1940 (Votre table est prĂȘte, M. Hitler)!
GAC, at 5:32 PM
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