I thought that Brazil was supposed to be a "superpower" in soccer? Who are these guys? This team is pretty pathetic. I mean, it would have been rad if the USA could have been placed in their group. I think we would whip them. And, here's a question, why so many dudes with just one name? Who wants to be called "Fred?" Does this mean that Madonna and Cher can play, too? Oh, and that's Miss Brazil in the picture. I think she would make a pretty fair striker, or stopper if needed. Why don't they just go ahead and name her to the roster with the rest of these bozos? Brazil clearly have no chance of success in Germany this summer. More bong rips to follow, dude.
Their back 4 isnt brilliant but you are mocking these guys? I will lbe kind and let others mock you. Silva, Ronaldinho, Adriano, Ronaldo, Robinho, Edmilson, Ricardinho, Kaka..... all these terrible players, the cup is England's after all.
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 2:57 PM
I trust this is a wind-up written expressing the views of an American soccer fan.
Will the real GAC please stand up?
Chris P, at 4:08 PM
Is Simon's head officially so far up his arse that he can't recognise tongue in cheek?
TheBusbyBoy, at 7:07 PM
Time for prediciotn check-in:
Top 4, Coca-Cole and FA Cups right for me. Hope Simon is right about the Champions League.
TheBusbyBoy, at 7:11 PM
Sorry brain dead today - so busy, didnt give this post a full read.
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 7:15 PM
If anyone would like me to remove O Toole's rights to looking up old mails pls let me know. He has however recently predicted Walcott wont go so lets hope he is wrong.
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 7:16 PM
Hmm I think I unashamedly sat on the fence on the Walcott one.
TheBusbyBoy, at 7:21 PM
Simon - I intentionally used the word "dude" as many times as possible so that you would be able to recognize the sarcasm and, true to thebusbyboy, "tongue in cheek" realism. But thanks for listing some of the players (again) for me. I really am learning a lot here! For the record: I am not the Columbus Crew fan guy, either. Love, GAC
GAC, at 8:25 PM
yes, see my earlier post gac
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 8:44 PM
I think this was actually a public service designed to make my day with this photo of Miss Brazil. Tidy!
gooner71, at 9:25 PM
Very tidy indeed. Good debate here on the merits of the Brasil side yet am I alone in feeling the essential question has not been answered... did she win?
Boston Gooner, at 8:36 PM
She was Miss Universe in 2004, I believe.
GAC, at 8:56 PM
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