So got home from work half nine last night and sat on the couch and actually watched 30 minutes of Fox Football Fone In whilst drinking a beer or two. The Chelsea guy was on there with Nick Webster; the usual Liverpool tosser was not on there.
They were discussing Jurgen Klinsmann and who the new US captain would be. Nick Webster argued that it should be Landon Donovan because he is "the heart and soul of the team" and has carried the team over the last four years; scored the most goals; produced in key matches, etc. I had not hated Nick Webster till that moment. I hope he was just being a wind up merchant. Chelsea guy to his credit, vehemently disagreed and argued that Landon has no bottle nor any respect. I now have some respect for the Chelsea guy and absolute hatred for Nick Webster.
I have always kinda respected the Chelsea guy a tiny bit as he never had time for Donovan. The Liverpool fan was always more interested in being popular than talking sense and he lost me when he said Donovan made the brave decision to quit Germany(again) and come back to the MLS where he was going to try to make soccer the number 2 or 3 sport here. As if he was on some kind of personal crusade or something. I don't think I watched that show again after that actually.
Webster is a weasel-faced arse. Or is that an arse-faced weasel?
TheBusbyBoy, at 7:12 PM
They're all bad Teds. Let's hope as the game evolves here, the commentary does too..
Rich Hughes, at 7:33 PM
None of the FoxSC guys are worth a toss.
Worst of all you must agree is Max Bretos. The Nick and Steven numpties must come second. Nick Webster is a decent-enough play-by-play guy, but no great thinker. Christian Miles is a waste. That grinning male mannequin Jeremy-whatever on the Fox Sport News at 10 and his wolf-man-hairline partner are too.
In fact the only likeable presence is that toothy girl Michelle on the 10pm news and it's only because she's easy to look at.
gooner71, at 3:44 PM
Prior to his ascent into the higher reaches of US soccer broadcast journalism, Webster was famed in Los Angeles for the following:
(1) Being the worst club coach ever.
(2) Getting fired from the most club coaching jobs ever.
(3) Sleeping with middle-aged, fading soccer moms of his "star" players and working his way into holiday dinners and parties.
(4) Not being able to play a lick.
(5) Perpetual ass-kissing.
His support of Donovan says it all.
Anonymous, at 10:21 AM
One more thought...Webster makes Ethan Zohn (or whatever his friggin name is) look like Edward R. Murrow.
Anonymous, at 10:22 AM
Ethan Zahn, now there's a tosser!
gooner71, at 6:15 PM
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