This is a 55 minute pundit show which i listen to every week and quite enjoy. Its a bit Anglicentric in terms of culture but there should be enough here for everyone.
Each week a host and 4 pundits talk about the latest goings on in sport in a quiz show format, its comedians and BBC presenters getting together for a bit of a laugh.
This week had a former hurdler, Kris Akabusi who is annoying as hell but it was still an entertaining episode. I podcast it but its available on the Beeb's website for those who dont want to do any work.
Shove your beeb up yer hole Simon.
TheBusbyBoy, at 12:14 PM
more Grumpy O Toole...
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 1:04 PM
hehe indeed.
TheBusbyBoy, at 2:52 PM
I've just found that show myself Simon. The lovely Gabby Logan filled in as host last week.
Best episode was 3 weeks ago when John Barnes, yes John Barnes was very witty and kept pace with some Northern comedian who ripped on Des Lynam for quoting Kipling at the end of Euro, what 96? Anyway, this guy just went off and he said, "Kipling, I don't even think he makes exceedingly good cakes."
This podcast has the added value of making me laugh out loud which in turn guarantees me my own seat on the Metro as no-one relishes sitting next to the nutter on the train.
gooner71, at 3:04 PM
Quality Steve, I am the same way, laughing on the train. Some quality fun on this show. I love Bob Mills, a couple of weeks ago he was brutal on West Brom comparing it to an injured dog that needs to be put out of its misery and permanently put to sleep, much like all the midlands clubs.
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 3:18 PM
Ya but Simon the difference is you are naked and eating Pringles when you are laughing on the train. Thats why you are "allowed your space".
TheBusbyBoy, at 4:21 PM
Too right. I hate Pringles!
Rich Hughes, at 4:23 PM
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
Anonymous, at 2:50 PM
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