I might as well put this up now, at halftime, because I won't have time later today (my sides are splitting from laughter and I have to go to the hospital). The wizard is out from behind the curtain, bhoys, and who does he appear to be? Reality has set in...kind of like seeing the shadows of a B-52 flying overhead and understanding "this is it." Beautiful game, indeed. Here's a cool page to view - a bit of irony? Oh yeaahh!!!!
"Beaten in every phase of the game," a direct Balboa quote. Finally, accurate analysis. Of course, he also said that Italy were "very beatable." Uh oh.
GAC, at 1:55 PM
Gac who do you actually support?
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 2:47 PM
This Dave O'Brien character is the new Brent Musberger. It's a sad day when Marcello is the sensible one of the two.
Who dreamed after WC 2002 and who expected the US to go far this round? Arena did think that "Gooch" would be the star of WC 2006, wonder if Boro will still sign him. Donovan was missing again today while Beasely was not at his best to put it mildly.
Bring on Italy
Chris P, at 4:03 PM
Allons enfants de la Patrie
Le jour de gloire est arrivé.
Contre nous, de la tyrannie,
L'étandard sanglant est levé,
l'étandard sanglant est levé,
Entendez-vous, dans la compagnes.
Mugir ces farouches soldats
Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras
Egorger vos fils,
vos compagnes.
Aux armes citoyens!
Formez vos bataillons,
Marchons, marchons!
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons.
Amour sacré de la Patrie,
Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs,
Liberté, liberté cherie,
Combats avec tes defénseurs;
Combats avec tes défenseurs.
Sous drapeaux, que la victoire
Acoure à tes mâles accents;
Que tes ennemis expirants
Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire
Aux armes citoyens!
Formez vos bataillons,
Marchons, marchons!
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons.
Anonymous, at 4:19 PM
I support the Republic of Ireland. Since we decided to let Switzerland score late, we are at home. Next, I support England. After those two, I support the USA - the women's team, that is. Club-wise, I support Manchester City, Celtic and any team that is playing Yernited. Any questions?
GAC, at 4:44 PM
I didnt realise you were Irish Gac, my apologies, where were you born there. What made you leave?
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 6:07 PM
Hi all, sorry I did see all the games , sat all day in the IMF cafe in front of the plasma telly and got paid. Not a bad day! Great day's footy, the Aussie game was good, the Czechs were excellent and gave the US a lesson (and would have given a few others the same lesson). Italy v Ghana was great to watch, Italy are worth a bet if they can avoid Brazil in the next round. Good call Chris and Arena obvioulsy agrees with you having lambasted Donovan and Beasly though Beasley was played out of position clearly and rarely did what he is best at: dribbling. Going to be tough now against Italy.
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 6:10 PM
All of my family is from Kilkenny. I was born in the USA, but I've been over several times. No worries. I'm dating an Italian woman, though, so imagine the potential of our hot-headed footballing offspring! Where, oh where, was Clint Dempsey? Could have used his ball-winning and tackling skills. No chance against Italy. Fun match with Ghana today, as well. Loved the Cahill show against Japan. Can't wait for Holland/Argentina!!! Brazil/Croatia tomorrow should be interesting.
GAC, at 6:21 PM
Kobe Jones is "mystified" by the US performance. His take was something along the lines of all this hype about this team over the last 6 months and no one shows up. Where was this hype? This must have been out there on Big Soccer or something thus driving GAC's rants.
Assuming a 3 & Q we can finally silence all those apologists for Landon Donovan.
Chris P, at 9:47 PM
I tell you what, its rare to see a manager rip on his team so badly, Keller, Donovan and Beasley. THey will have to produce big against Italy and it will be interesting to see how they react though I expect Beasly to be benched.
Gac, sorry I am trying to figure out your listings? Ireland first yet you werent born there? And most who are Irish wont support England and America third but not last? Was there ever a time you supported the Americans and was happy? Such as 2002 or were you professing 3 and out then as well (as I am sure most of us were).
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 10:24 PM
Credit where credit is due, I just watched the Italian game and thought the commentary was better. Either my standards have really dipped or yer man JP and Harkes actually did ok. Not too many stupid comments and they knew most of the players names and told me who they are when they have ball in case I don't know them or am already drunk enough that I am squinting at the TV from behind my couch - thats all I ask.
It was ruined a little back in the studio afterwards though when Wynalda was slaggin Arena a bit and saying how tough it was going to be to beat Italy. The host asked how they could do it and mastermind Wynalda replies "they just need to go out there and play soccer".
Ouch. I don't think Johnny Giles would last long on rte with insight like that.
TheBusbyBoy, at 12:21 AM
For further clarification, Simon, I put aside my Irish political affiliation (which is firmly rooted in support of the Gibraltar Three, among others) when rooting for England's football side because, I believe, that sports should transcend political dimensions. Plus, I'm clearly more in tune with the players in the EPL - Irish and British - than I am with those in other leagues around the globe, including MLS. So, familiarity in this case doesn't breed contempt, but support. (and, please note, I have NEVER been a part of any rants at Big Soccer) As for the USA team, I actually thought they were going to be magical in 1998. Then, I went to France and found out about a little concept called "reality." The match with Yugoslavia in Nantes was especially fun. For 2002, I was surprised but not shocked. I was happy for the US team but, again, glaring weaknesses appeared against Germany. Now, I'm not bitter - I just want to fight the Nike/Gatorade/media hack hype. I'm not accusing the players of it because, clearly, they did their best in interviews to diffuse the grandiose US Soccer bulletin-speak. Would I like to see them win a WC? Absolutely. Do I think it will happen in my lifetime? Definitely not. I support Ireland first because that is the home of my ancestry. I support England second because I love their players. I support the USA third because I got tired of being disappointed over and over again like a fat girl waiting by the phone the week before prom. Hope this answer helps!
GAC, at 5:37 PM
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