Its time to look at this channel. Only the other night was i bored so i turned it on and what did I find but some birds college match?!!! The camera was panning like it was Wimbledon tennis coverage in 1929. This channel simply sucks. Granted it did have Arsenal V Liverturd on it but otherwise this channel is going down the tubes fast. I am including a link to a good English blog which is written by a guy who lives in Florida. THe comments are good on the state of FSC and yes the games arent live!!! I have noticed often that things seem a few mins behind.
See link
Here are my musings.
They should just use the UK feed, halftime etc, because they comentators they have are gash.
The domestic stuff, both in terms of quality and coverage is gash.
The filler TV is gash. Pop-culture meets footy stuff is just wrong.
AC milan stuff is gash. Italian footy is so boring it makes MLS look like a thrill-fest.
They should leverage there sky back catelogue with classic games more.
Rich Hughes, at 1:22 PM
FSC has top action mens and women's division 1 soccer along with the A League where the stars of tomorrow shine. It's great programming. I also like the 7:30 AM infomercial that's now on Saturday instead of the noon match. Those great money making plans can help finance trips to England to watch the EPL that are also advertised on FSC.
Fox Football Fone In is brilliant and I love watching matches that I already know the result seen through the eyes of actual English soccer fans. It's great stuff, almost like being there yourself.
All in all, I must disagree Simon. It's a great channel.
Chris P, at 6:04 PM
Rich is right about the halftime. I'm also really tired of waiting to see Arsenal and then finding out that Robbie Earle's in the commentary team. How come a guy who barely made the top division grade based on his physique and tireless huffing and puffing trying to get on the end of yet another ball launched 50 yards away thinks that he's got fecking any insight about the passing game that Arsenal can produce. And it's match after match that he's the eejit assigned to the teams featuring passing and the ball on the floor. He's ill-equipped to understand that.
That said, the Bosley Labs adverts have helped Busby with his problem hairline. And even though it's just the vanity pounds with me, I was able to take care of my stubborn belly fat. Thanks Velacore and FSC!
gooner71, at 10:40 PM
Jesus Simon and Rich, are you forgetting what things are like at home? What does FSC cost a month? Something like $7 and even that is with other Sports channels like Gol TV (most shit I admit but you can see lots of Barca and Madrid on Gol if you are so inclined.)
Unless things have changed drastically at home this season, I assume its still pretty difficult to see any live, or delayed for that matter, football on a Saturday until Match of the Day comes on right?
And if something is available on a Sat its probably only with a Sky Sports Subscription and even then there is a good chance it will be PPV on top of that.
Then on a Sunday you get two games and a game on Monday night.
I know Setanta also show games at home this season but am not too familiar with what they offer. I would bet it costs more than $7 or even more than the $15 which ITVN costs here.
OK, all the filler on FSC is rubbish and they have obviously lost games to Setanta this season but for Sky Sports News, Fox Sports Report and usually at least one watchable game a weekend I think its good value for the $$.
They had United last weekend and again this coming weekend and of course had Liverpool v Arsenal on Sunday.
Don't tell them but I would actually pay a lot more.
TheBusbyBoy, at 1:00 AM
I agree its good value, but its poor execution.
Rich Hughes, at 6:42 PM
Ya no argument there.
TheBusbyBoy, at 8:16 PM
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