FA clean house
Breaking News
David Dein will no longer be Premier League representative at the FA.
He has been replaced by David Gill.
No further news available, but the row over the appointment of the England manager, and last night's Newsnight Beverengate expose probably did not help his candidature.
...as predicted, by me, yesterday.
Yes he lost last night's election he wasnt thrown out, he just wasnt re-elected - word was he was to lose his post anyway over the Scolari nonsense.
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 12:17 PM
Wenger not being approached for the England role seems to be a big factor as well.
Rich Hughes, at 12:19 PM
Seems harsh - no way Wenger wanted it - any interview to the media he always said no. Apparently he was approached but there was clearly a clash of interests from Dein but evenso if Wenger had wanted to be considered I am sure he could have let the FA know - he didnt want it though. Just like Maurinho and Ferguson who were also contacted.
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 12:21 PM
Aye, it may not be a legitimate gripe, but its was percieved that way.
This may be regarded as a Mea Culpa by the FA and it may stop here for Arsenal.
Rich Hughes, at 12:26 PM
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.
Anonymous, at 2:49 PM
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