Aye, well there's bugger all else here in Wilmington apart from the big three sports: NFL football, College football, and High School football. They're even showing some really scary penetentiary league looking pick-up game where weekend warriors with an emergency room fetish can have a go. Broken collarbones everywhere you look.
This is a football (soccer) blog - here we post anything that will interest us in the world of the beautiful game - be it the Premiership, MLS, the World Cup
I see someone has been listening to BBC's Fighting Talk this weekend!
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 6:33 PM
Aye, well there's bugger all else here in Wilmington apart from the big three sports: NFL football, College football, and High School football. They're even showing some really scary penetentiary league looking pick-up game where weekend warriors with an emergency room fetish can have a go. Broken collarbones everywhere you look.
gooner71, at 1:33 PM
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