Does this film sound familiar to anyone? It's set in rural Ireland and is about a weekend football trial conducted by a Manchester United scout, maybe Pete Postelthwaite. The boys in the film are mostly school aged 16 year olds that were signed to some professional team, so they clipped the ball around very well and it looked really authentic. They seeded in two actors of decent ability who were the ones that the story was about, the earnest but not quite good enough one, and the one who was obviously brilliant, but with a bad attitude. And at the end of the film there's a cameo with George and Callum Best, Callum looks about 11 or 12 and is wearing a Giggs shirt. Any idea of what this is called?
Are you sure it was set in Ireland? Are you thinking of Cup Final which was set in Manchester? Probably not as that was from the 60s so Best didn't have a kid.
Other than that I think you fell asleep on the couch and had some kind of a dream combining "In the Name of the Father", "Into the West" and "Escape to Victory"
TheBusbyBoy, at 12:34 AM
I have a vague memory of it being titled, The Scout, but that brings up all sorts of rubbish films.
I had a dodgy copy of it on a VHS tape somewhere but haven't been able to find it forever. Probably an early 90's film.
gooner71, at 8:05 AM
I remember Pete POstlethwaite as a scout in When Saturday Comes which starred Sean Bean playing for Sheffield United and its just horrible bollox from start to finish but in a feel good way. I dont remember any Best's in it though there was a lot of drinking in When Saturday COmes so perhaps they crashed the set.
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 9:01 AM
If you want to see a real movie, catch GOAL: THe dream begins which is doing the rounds on the cable movie channels. BEckham and ZIdane turn up in cameo roles in a bar together to congratulate some muppet who played for about 2 minutes that day - turgid shi* about a kid from LA playing fro Newcastle.
WhatsupWheaton Simon, at 9:02 AM
Then there is Goal 2 where Real Madrid wins the Champions League due of course to wonder strike from kid from LA of Mexican descent; his parents are from Mexico. Based on the ending when his bird splits I believe there are plans for Goal 3. I suppose Mexico will win the WC in it.
I caught this horrible film on a plane.
Chris P, at 11:24 AM
I'm now thinking it was Ray McAnaly who played the coach. It's driving me mad.
gooner71, at 9:50 PM
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