Okay - FIFA has dropped its rotation policy:
THe result of this seems to be Americans complaining that this has screwed them out of the 2018 World Cup. It may favour England who are thought to be putting together a bid for 2018.
As for rotation, I can’t answer this without showing bias but the simple fact for me is - America hosted the World Cup in 1994. You don’t deserve it again for a few more years yet. I don’t see why America thinks that it’s the next COncacaf nation to host the cup, you were the LAST Concacaf reps and so shouldn’t it be Canada's turn or back to Mexico? (they have hosted it twice so I am dead opposed to them getting it).
England started the game, has only hosted it once and it would be wrong if America hosts it twice in 24 years whereas we will have then hosted it only once since the tournament's inception in 1930.
Americans have gotten used to hosting the Olympics so often and have forgotten that it shouldn’t work that way. I doubt America will get it before 2034 and think that’s perfectly fair. If Canada want it you shouldn’t get a sniff. China are likely to get it in the 2020's and a joint bid from Uruguay/Argentina in 2030 leaving only one open slot before 2034. Egypt/Holland/Spain will all feel they can bid for 2026 along with a Concacaf nation who if its Canada should get preference over America assuming they can get the stadia right. America may believe its a soccer power but its not. Attendances are still crap here - your team is still crap historically and the last World Cup didnt help that and if Canada bids for it surely you cant get it ahead of them.
Of course, no guarantee England will get it either but I would be dead opposed to America getting it ahead of ANYONE in 2018 barring France, Germany,Sth Africa and Brazil ; none of whom will bid.